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Free Online Dating!

youneaty is your place to flirt, find new friends and have fun - all for free. There are no "premium accounts", no limits, no fees.

Our free online dating service offers powerful features that will help you find your new love!

With thousands of active members, youneaty is one of the most popular free dating sites in the world!

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About Us

Established 2007, youneaty started out as a German-only, free online dating service. Formally named "FlamingoFlirt", it soon became extremely popular. When we decided to make our dating service available to the world, youneaty was born.

Today, youneaty is among the fastest growing dating sites in the world. Even though it is free for everyone, it offers many powerful features that are normally found only on paid online services and commercial personals web sites.

One of our features is the powerful πMatch matching system. This unique system matches up people that go really well together.

In addition, we are especially proud of our smart local search that enables our members to find other singles in their area.

We are connecting singles looking for friendships, love, romance and marriage. Everyone is cordially invited to create a free personal ad to find other singles around the world.


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