
Here is a list of our most important features that support you on your search for a new love - and remember you can use all of them for free!

Find Singles Nearby

With our powerful search you can find singles living close to you. As an additional service, we automatically show you who's near you when you enter your location in your profile.

Send And Receive Messages

Get in contact with other flirters - with no need to reveal your email address.

Our email system is designed like a common email client so that you always have easy access to your new messages or those you have sent yourself. And there is a trash bin of course.

Equal Flirt Chances For All Of You

We want all of you to find your love. To grant equal chances to everybody, all the profiles appear in a daily randomly changing ordering.

Private Lounge

Our Private Lounges are a great way to get to know another flirter. In your Private Lounge - that is only exclusively accessible to both of you - you cannot only chat but share photos too.

Your Visitors

On your page, we show you a list of recent visitors of your profile. That often is a good start for a conversation.

Introducing New Flirters

We care about new members and want them to be part of the community right from the start. Therefore, we introduce them with their photo on a special page.

Profile Photos

Of course all flirters can add a photo to their profile.


Our forums are a great way to get in touch with others and talk about those topics you care for.

Moderation and Support From Our Team

We at youneaty do care about our site. We strive to keep it clean and a nice place to be. Therefore, our team permanently watches the site and takes care about fake profiles or spammers by immediately blocking them.